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Watch: Oklahoma State Football Sleep Study Featured on TODAY Show



Oklahoma State made it on a morning TV spot of the TODAY show which ran on Wednesday and featured an in-depth look at an ongoing sleep study being administered by the football program.

In the segment, OSU linebacker Chad Whitener, offensive lineman Zach Crabtree, strength and conditioning coach Rob Glass, and head coach Mike Gundy were all featured.

“One thing I’ve noticed that’s really been improving as we’ve gone on is the sleep duration,” Glass said. “What we’re finding is as the sleep improves and the duration of the sleep improves, we’re finding enhanced performance.”

The sleep system OSU is using is called “Rise Science,” and it’s a before-sleep process that begins 90 minutes before bed. First, you put a special pair of glasses on that produces melatonin. Then, you put a mask on and sleep in an ice cold room — 62-67 degrees!

“I feel like I run a lot faster,” said Whitener. “I’m seeing and recognizing everything.”

Said Gundy: “There’s no question it is helping us. How much? We don’t know right now, but it’s working so far. Something’s working right now. We’re sold on the system of sleep, nutrition and hydration.”

This innovation is not new for Gundy. He’s long been a proponent of shorter practices and less hitting. Risky stuff for college football coaches.

“When I look back and evaluate myself and the team and the culture, just like I do every game, the one thing I’ve done that is smart in my opinion is, I delegate, and I adapt to the times,” Gundy told SB Nation earlier this week.

“We’ve been on the cutting edge on no-huddle, on hurry-up offense, on nutrition, on hydration, on sleep, on cutting back on physicality in practice. We’re not scared to take chances. And we do all that here, but then in the end, I still want to run the ball. I still want to be be a tough football team, based on what was instilled in me as a player through Pat Jones.”

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