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Cox: Five Oklahoma State Things I’m Thankful For

A reminder to take stock in our blessings.



First off, a Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. As you read this, I’m probably stressing and fussing over my own bird on the Weber while trying to catch glimpses of OSU-Memphis or whatever NFL game is on. I hope that whatever you are doing, you’re enjoying your family and friends.

This is a great holiday to remind us to not take the things and people we are blessed with for granted. I think I learn that more and more every year. But we should take stock in our lives daily. That’s something I’ve challenged myself to do and recommend you do the same.

So, without further ado (or sappiness), let’s jump into five Oklahoma State-centric things that I’m thankful for.

1. Media Guides

Wow, I must be fun at parties.

I looove history and one day when I grow up I want to be a stats junkie. Those two things collide in an oft-overlooked PDF file. Diving into The Longest Rushing Plays in the Mike Gundy Era can be a tedious chore but it’s also a ton of fun for me.

Actually, I scratch No. 1. I’m thankful for the word search function in media guides.

2. Big Dave

You know who you are. Bless you, sir.

3. Kasey Dunn

This man has brought Oklahoma State a slew of elite pass catchers both through the front door like Tylan Wallace, as well as through the back like your James Washingtons of the world. Regardless of star rating, this man can identify talent and develop it. Thanks to him, I’ve gotten to follow, watch and cover some pretty exciting playmakers at OSU.

4. Mike Gundy

I’m thankful, first off, for the successful program that he’s built which is not only a lot more fun to cover, it’s also much more enjoyable to watch. I’m thankful for his mullet, even if I’d probably be more thankful if he cut it. Despite his Twitter double standards, his silly press conference quirks and his eye-roll inducing job flirtations, he’s a genuine person, he’s a bonafide original, and Oklahoma State is a better place and program with him at the helm.

5. PFB

This has been one of the biggest learning experiences and most exciting opportunities that I’ve ever enjoyed. It has allowed me to work with and learn from some great people. It’s brought me a kind of fulfillment I probably didn’t know I was lacking and it allows me to talk to all of you about something I love on a daily basis. Thanks to you for reading, thanks to most of you for commenting and thanks to Kyle Porter for allowing me to be a part of all of this.

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