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Details Emerge Regarding Jhajuan Seales Arrest



Oklahoma State wide receiver Jhajuan Seales was arrested early Sunday morning for DUI, and details have emerged regarding the incident that make the night’s activities sound more and more headscratching.

Seales reportedly was seen “spinning his tires” and, as Kyle Frederickson reports, Seales even asked the officer “if he could just pay for it.”

Seales BAC of .14 and .15 are nearly twice the legal limit of .08, and according to Oklahoma law, any BAC at .15% or higher can be considered aggravated” DUI, which could result in mandatory treatment, community service, or an ignition interlock installed on the individuals car if convincted. According to this blood alcohol level chart, for someone who weighs 200 pounds (Seales: 198), he would have likely had to have more than 9 alcoholic drinks before getting behind the wheel and driving.

Kyle Fredrickson confirmed with an OSU spokesman today that Mike Gundy was aware of the situation and that it was going to be handled internally.


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